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Meet Some of Our Volunteers

Our volunteers include students, teachers, medical professionals and translators.

Reed Thayer

"Translating allowed me to drastically improve my Spanish-speaking abilities, but unexpectedly, and perhaps more importantly, I improved my ability to work as part of a team. Providing care for an entire village and its surrounding areas efficiently requires an exceptionally high level of teamwork, and working with OCHO gave me the opportunity to develop those skills.”


Meg Rice

"The doctors were eager to let me participate in the medical aspect of the trip, and knowing that I’m interested in a medical career, they took the time to explain everything that they were doing. I would like to continue my work in Honduras by finding a way to incorporate the use of stored rainwater – for example, using rain barrels –in the tending of the sustainable family gardens.”


Ilana Silver

"As a 25 year-old Clinical Research Assistant, Emergency Room Scribe, and aspiring Physician Assistant with a B.S. in Behavioral and Community Health, I was able to be involved in so many aspects of the trip. The OCHO trip is special because everyone, no matter his/her background, age, or expertise, can contribute and is valued.”


Kate Rice

"The most powerful and memorable aspect of the trip was forming relationships with the kids who live there. From making friendship bracelets to playing a game of soccer with them, my everyday interactions with the Honduran children have definitely made a huge impact on me."


Bo Brand

"Going to Honduras is one of the highlights of my year.  The activity that impacted me the most every time I go is the home visits.  Home visits are when a small team of doctors, translators and students visit the homes of children with disabilities.  We visit the homes to have a better understanding of what is available to the families and assess what is needed."

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Alison Moore

"Being able to interact face-to-face with so many people through the course of those clinic days and seeing so many people getting the opportunity to just get personal attention with just the health questions, examination,  or something so little as a bag of acetaminophen for headaches.  The length of the waiting line was enough to confirm how important the outreach is."


© 2019,

Organization for Community Health Outreach.

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The Organization for Community Health Outreach es un 501 (c)(3) 

711 W. 40th Street, Suite 438. Baltimore, MD 21211 

Número de teléfono:

 (410) 598-0260


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